Monday, September 2, 2013

The Albertsons Deli Counter: Hot Wings for a Snack or a Meal!

In the early nineties, when I was reluctant to play my Nat King Cole CD in our workshop on the Coast Guard Cutter Boutwell, my future brother-in-law, Shawn, encouraged me by saying "Good music is good music."  Wise words, indeed, and over the years I've found that they apply to more than just music.  For instance, good food is good food, and I've found good food in many likely as well as unlikely places.  For instance, the deli counter in the Albertsons grocery store at 9540 Garland Road in Dallas has excellent hot wings.

I discovered the hot wings at Albertsons during the few months that I worked at the Starbucks located across the street---both sides of the street, including the Albertsons and Starbucks, are part of  the Casa Linda Shopping Center.  Whenever my shift was long enough, I was given thirty minutes for lunch, and though there were a few fast food options in the near vicinity,  it didn't take long for me to establish the deli counter at Albertsons as my destination of choice for lunch.  In fact, after my first taste, it was a sure bet that I'd be hastily chowing-down on a sack of their hot-wings while I watched the minutes tick away on my lunch break.

The wings are soaked in a spicy marinade and fried to a crispy perfection.  I'm not sure what the marinade is, but I can definitely say that it's not a buffalo sauce.  Buffalo sauce would be boring.  These wings have a spicy heat that is definitely not boring.  Whatever the secret, they are delicious and once I've started eating them, my hands and mouth become an embarrassing blur until they are gone.

From time to time, Jessica and I will stop by Albertsons to grab some hot wings for a snack.  More often than not, we'll just eat them in the parking lot---they taste best when they're almost too hot to hold, but sometimes we'll grab a bucket of wings, potato wedges, and cole slaw to take home.  When I eat them at home, though they are already plenty spicy, I'll sprinkle a little Texas Pete hot sauce on the wings to create an incredible taste experience.

On her way home from work last Friday, Jessica stopped by Albertsons and picked up two pounds of hot wings and a pound of potato wedges for the bargain price of only $9.99.  It was a great deal and an even better dinner.

The hot wings at the Albertsons deli counter in the Casa Linda Shopping Center are very tasty! I recommend you give them a try!

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