Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pop's Fried Chicken: A Great Way to Celebrate National Fried Chicken Day

       Did you know that yesterday (July 6) was National Fried Chicken Day?  Jessica informed me of this fact yesterday morning.  Then, later in the day, one of my brother Knights mentioned it in a post on Facebook.  The first mention piqued my interest, and the second mention clinched it: I needed to find a good fried chicken place for dinner.

       I couldn't even remember the last time I'd had fried chicken.  I'm not a fan of the national chains, and so they were not an option.  I knew I needed a local chicken joint and Jessica, as she so often does, got on the internet and found the answer to my craving: Pop's Fried Chicken at 701 E. Moore Avenue in Terrell, Texas.

       I've actually passed Pop's at least a hundred times in my work-related trips to Lake Tawakoni and Lake Fork, so when Jessica brought up the name, I knew exactly where it was.  There was a short debate about whether or not to take the family or to just get take-out.  Jessica and I both prefer our fried chicken served as fresh as possible----neither of us like cold fried chicken,  and so we decided to head over to dine-in.

       Within minutes, I had my Tevas on, car keys in hand, and was herding the boys toward the garage.

       I had a good feeling about Pop's when I pulled into the parking lot.  I'm a breast-man and the sign outside advertised a breast dinner for $3.99!  Of course, that's what I ordered, and besides two plump, juicy, and crispy golden brown fried chicken breasts, it came with two delicious sides and bread.  For my sides,  I chose mashed potatoes with country gravy and creamy coleslaw.  Choices for bread were yeast rolls or corn bread, and I had the corn bread.   I also had them throw in a pickled jalapeno on the side.  Finally, to drink, I had iced tea.

       Jessica had a two-piece mixed plate (also $3.99) with a thigh and drumstick.  For sides she chose broccoli-rice casserole  (broccoli, rice, and cheese) and fried okra.  And she opted for the yeast rolls.

       As for the boys, they shared our meals.  For the most part, they are pretty finicky eaters.  Van worked for awhile on the drumstick and I fed chunks of breast meat to Charlie, who also liked the yeast rolls.  Strangely enough, both boys will eat fried okra.  There's no threat or incentive on this planet that will get me to eat fried okra----I really dislike the taste, but my boys will eat it without a single protest.  Weird.

       Pop's Fried Chicken turned out to be the perfect place to eat on National Fried Chicken Day.  I'm not sure (and don't care) by whose authority it was National Fried Chicken Day.  It could have been a declaration by the President of the United States or the head of a fried chicken purveyors council.  It was a good idea, however it came to be.

       Pop's Fried Chicken is a cool place to eat.  I recommend you give it a try!


  1. Excellent article!!! I'm amazed that your boys were okay with eating OKRA. I have always thought of it as an acquired taste, but then again, part of my family is from OKRAhoma! {Baja Texas}. ::Grins::

  2. Thanks, Randy, I value your opinion.
    Okra is definitely a southern thing. I know lots of people that like it, and when they hear that I don't, they INEVITABLY say "Oh, but have you had it fried? You'll like it fried!"
    Ugh. Fried is how I first came to know that I disliked it only slightly less than liver and black licorice.
