Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hubbard's Cubbard: Good Food in Garland, Texas

       It's Christmas vacation time, and since Charlie (first grade), Van (pre-school), and Jessica (pre-school teacher) all have a couple of weeks off, I took a few days off from work to enjoy free time with them.  We're not going anywhere special or doing anything in particular this year.  We're just staying home.  I guess these days what we're doing is called a stay-cation.  And even though I'll never use that awkward word again, it's an apt description for how we're approaching our days.  Nothing beats sleeping in, waking up to a morning cup of aromatic coffee, and then casually driving to a nice diner for a delicious breakfast.  Yesterday, that diner was Hubbard's Cubbard.

       Hubbard's Cubbard---we just call it Hubbard's---is located at 901 Main Street in Garland, Texas.  I was turned  onto this great American food diner a few years ago by my friend Jeremy, and since then, it's become a more-or-less regular monthly stop for our family.  (We haven't tried it yet, but there's also a Hubbard's location in Rowlette, Texas.)

       I'm a big fan of breakfast food, and Hubbard's has a good breakfast menu, with enough variety to keep me coming back without getting bored.  Yesterday, I had a three egg omelette with my choice of three added ingredients.  I chose smoked sausage, cheddar cheese, and jalapenos.  With the jalapenos, I had my choice of fresh or pickled and I went with fresh for that extra zing of flavor.  Like most breakfasts at Hubbard's, my omelette came with either toast or biscuits and gravy----I chose toast, and hash browns or grits---I chose hash browns.  It was all delicious.  No complaints from me.

       Jessica went with the chicken fried steak and eggs, with biscuits and gravy and hash browns.  We're a sharing kind of family when it comes to eating out, and so I can testify that I agree with my wife's verdict regarding  the chicken fried steak: it was quite tasty.  I didn't try her biscuits and gravy, but believe her when she declared them to be the best she's had in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

       Our waitress had barely set our drinks down and picked up her pad and pen to take our order when Charlie informed her that he wanted pancakes.  He and Van are fans of pancakes in general, and Hubbard's pancakes have never let them down.  We ordered a short stack with bacon and split them between the boys.

       And speaking of the waitress, the wait staff at Hubbard's are all of a certain type.  It took me a few visits to realize this, but then, I saw a sign on the wall of the restaurant and it hit me.  I think that Hubbard's sells T-shirts with the words and image from the sign.  I'd buy a T-shirt, but I get enough dirty looks from my wife without wearing something like that.

       The prices at Hubbard's are fairly reasonable.  Both of our breakfasts were $8.25 each.  Not bad for an occasional visit, and especially for good food that leaves us full, happy, and ready to face a lazy stay-at-home vacation.

      Hubbard's is a cool place to eat!  I recommend that you give it a try!

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